Interview: Calvin Richard, Verus Strength & Fitness [Tips + Leadership]


Get the Basics…

  • Building Community and Camaraderie
  • Developing Leaders through Fitness
  • Creating Accountability and Motivation with Teamwork

Choosing to start your own fitness business is a major commitment with great potential for making a lasting impact and creating personal and financial independence. But that commitment does not come without various risks and unforeseen obstacles. In order to achieve sustainable success with your business, you need to stay focused and never lose track of your ultimate purpose.

Today, we’re talking to Coach Calvin Richard who will share how he uses exercise and fitness to fuel his passion for serving people. He has developed a culture of teamwork and toughness that motivates his community of clients to continue to go hard. See how he uses passionate and purposeful client engagement to build and expand a successful fitness practice.

If you’re ready to grow and manage your business better, schedule a demo today.

Meet Calvin Richard, Owner of Verus Strength & Fitness

Schimri Yoyo: Alright. We are back with I’m Schimri Yoyo and we are continuing of interviews with fitness experts. And today I have the pleasure of having Coach Calvin Richard, Owner of Verus Strength and Fitness in Marble Falls, Texas, right? Marble Falls, Texas, which is just west of Austin, about an hour west of Austin. So thank you again, Coach Calvin, for joining us.

Calvin Richard: Yes sir.

Schimri Yoyo: Right, right. So let’s just jump into it. How did you develop a love and passion for health and fitness?

Calvin Richard: Actually, my background is—I was the 4’7″, 82-pound freshman in high school. The little guy, the small dude in school. It was kind of one of those things. All I knew was the work ethic. I’m going to—I’ll outwork you in a classroom, I’m going to outwork you on the basketball court, the football field, the tennis court—those are the three sports I kind of grew up playing.

All I knew was that. I didn’t know anything about weight training or anything like that until I went to college. I went into sports medicine and sports for my undergrad degree. But while I was there, I started working out. And we talk about the “Freshman 15.” My sophomore year I grew two inches and gained 50 pounds.

Schimri Yoyo: Oh wow.

Calvin Richard: Oh, it was just like this metamorphosis that happened in my body where I was dunking a basketball, I’m only 5’9.” I did gain a bit of weight and do a lot of stuff where I just realized that I was able to do more.

I missed my prime of being able to to do it in high school and so it was a thing where I realized that I would like to be able to help others that come behind me and it’ll help them out as far as using strength and conditioning to build their sports or whatever it may be.

Schimri Yoyo: Okay, so now you played basketball, football, tennis, growing up? Did you have a favorite out of those sports? Which ones did you excel at the most?

Calvin Richard: It’s funny, I played more basketball than football, more football than tennis, and it should have been the other way around. I was really good at tennis. I grew up going to a lot of camps and stuff like that, and honestly, it just wasn’t a cool thing for a black kid in New Orleans to play tennis. My friends played and so after my senior year, I was the captain of the team.

I put the racket down and just really didn’t play at all. I got to college and saw the guys there on scholarship and I was like, ‘I wasn’t that far from these guys. It’s something I wish I would’ve pursued. I played more basketball and now it’s what I enjoy more, but I really wish I pursued tennis a lot more.

Schimri Yoyo: Nice, nice. Now, when you were taking your classes in undergrad and studying sports medicine, did you develop any mentors in that industry that kind of helped direct you as you are making your way into the health and fitness world?

Calvin Richard: Not specifically there. We had to do a lot of different rotations for different places, so it wasn’t one specific thing. I think some of my professors, especially with my gross anatomy, my cadavers anatomy teacher, Dr. Clemente, with somebody who really impacted me because he took a very complex area and was really great at getting down and simplifying it.

That was something I always wanted to be able to do the same way. Take something complex and simplify it when you explain it this way. It was just—kind of following a little bit of every person that was over me, just try to learn as much as I could.

Coach Calvin and Mr. Go Hard

Schimri Yoyo: Okay. Now when you’re not training and not running your business, what are some other things that you’d like to do for fun?

Calvin Richard: Tough Mudders is one of my favorite deals. I love obstacle course races. Actually, we got something really epic coming up this upcoming year. It is the 10th year anniversary for Tough Mudder and this will be my 10th. I have a team of people that go along with me. We’re going for a hundred people on our team. Ten times ten, and I raised $10,000 for charity at the same time so that’s going to happen in March.

That’s when my biggest thing, I still love pickup basketball, love having fun, love watching comedies, things like that and it just, but yeah, sports, physical. That’s stuff that I really enjoy. My alter ego comes out. That’s where like you see Calvin “Go Hard” Richard. It’s kind of—I go by Calvin as my name. But “Go Hard” is the guy who comes out on that day and then the competition. So it’s like my alter ego.

Schimri Yoyo: Well, that’s definitely a “Go Hard” challenge and goal to have a hundred people on a Tough Mudder team.

Calvin Richard: Yes, it is going to happen.

Schimri Yoyo: I am definitely going to keep an eye out for that and keep track of that one. Now let’s just jump into some of your training methodologies. If you could describe your philosophy of training or your methodology in one word, what would—what one word would best describe it?

Calvin Richard: I had a word when I started and I forgot about it, but challenging, I’d have to say is one of the things, but really—I had a different word but I forgot about it, I had it the other day. Challenging is one thing, but it’s—I think, okay. It’s not precise—

I’d have to say that the word I had is challenge. I know I had a different word that I totally forgot about, but it really it’s—we have no machines, you’re the machine, free weights, kettlebells, dumbbells, bands, your body weight, tires, sledgehammers, this kind of logic. But really, truly, the basis comes from sports medicine. My undergrad and grad degrees are in sports medicine.

Whereas most folks in fitness itself will kind of just look at the outside. I’ve seen the body and dissected the body from the inside out. So injury prevention is the foundation of what we do, meaning it modifies for any person, scale up or down. This is what we do a really good job of. I literally had two ladies doing a tire battle a couple of days ago with their combined age of 147.


Schimri Yoyo: Wow.

Calvin Richard: I’ve literally had that same crew of ladies working with an NFL offensive lineman in the same workout. So as far as being adaptable, I think that’s one of the biggest things. It is what we do. We’ve built a pretty strong community, but for us, it’s to challenge you right where you are, to push past [your currentlevel]. No comparison to the person next to you, but just keep moving forward.

Schimri Yoyo: Well, I expect that from someone who has the alter ego of “Go Hard” that you’re going to put together something challenging. So yeah, that makes sense.

Now, it’s on your website, you are open about your faith and how that drives what you do. Can you give us a little bit more detail of how your faith impacts the way you train your clients?

Calvin Richard: Well, one thing I love is that the Bible is very clear in a lot of different ways. It parallels exercise: “Run the race” and “Endure to the end,” and “I put my body into subjection.” All these things that you see in the struggles that it takes. Even for warriors, for those who are in a battle, they have to train, [they] have to prepare themselves, they have to do all these different things that—

Many times when you go into a workout, you have to prepare for battle. That’s the way I’m looking at, I’m coming here to attack this workout and I’m going to attack my diet, my nutrition. It’s just something that—

This is a battle, this is war because there’s always [a struggle]. The enemy is coming in and saying, “You don’t have to do that much. It’s okay. It’s alright.”

So for me, I’m kind of, when people say, “What kind of Christian are you?” I’m a Warrior Christian. I’m King David who’s willing to slay Goliath. To go to war and you asked to get ten foreskins, I’m going to get a hundred

[Editor’s note: The reference above is an allusion to a Biblical event documented in 1 Samuel 18:25-27.]

So I’m going in and going above and beyond. For me, that whole warrior mindset is biblical. For me, it’s something that just parallels so much, so for me, it’s ministry.

These are our temples. I call a rental property that we’ve gotta give it back to God at some point in time. We want to get a security deposit back at some point. So it’s not our property. Many times individuals will pay attention to how much money they could make, but our bodies are the wallet. The body holds the money that we try to make when we get early on.

So, if the body’s all frayed and beat to snot because of our own devices, we forfeit what we can do with that money or whatever it is we need to do. For me, it’s so spiritual. Training is so spiritual when it comes down to that and it influences and carries over to other things.

I kind of started out at my former church. That is where I started my business. We just did two-day-a-week bootcamp out of the back of my truck and that’s how we got started. And so we, from being at the church, we opened and closed in prayer. When I finally opened to the public, it’s just part of what we do. We open and close in prayer.

We got Christian music playing pretty much all the time. Eighty, ninety percent of the music is Christian music. At the end, if there are any prayer needs or concerns, we pray together. I mean, we just lay hands on folks. It is part of a ministry for me. Using temple-building as ministry is what we do. We’re not ashamed of what we stand for.

Schimri Yoyo: Nice. That’s a unique approach. Also a unique analogy. I’ve never heard that analogy as far as the body being a rental property. That’s good.

Calvin Richard: Yeah, it’s not our property.

Schimri Yoyo: Yeah, that’s right. Now, in your opinion, as you are training—how are speed, strength, mobility—how they all related and interconnected?

Calvin Richard: I would say you want long and strong muscles, long and strong muscles. When we train I want a full range of motion. It’s just funny how we have these preconceived notions of what’s safe and what’s not safe. I’ll train baseball players and a lot of the old school coaches, “Oh, don’t bench so far down because it’s hard on the shoulder.”

I’m like, “Have you watched a baseball pitcher throw the ball and his arm is contorted back here (reaching to the back of his right ear)”. It’s just like, really? But you can’t bring the bench down here, you know? (mimics doing a bench press, lowering teh bar to his chest)

So a lot of times we have these old notions. Even dynamic mobility. Static stretching has been something that was the norm for so long. We know that you increase force production by 30 percent so coming in here and showing that, “Okay, there’s a reason why you have dynamic mobility to begin with and static at the end. There are reasons why that’s there.”

It all interchanges when it comes down to injury prevention, just the fluid muscles that we’re going to be able do more of the things and prevent injuries. And so for me, obviously, with the sports medicine side, it is always about injury prevention first and foremost. So you could be strong and really great, but if your back is jacked up, you can’t go to work, there’s no way. That’s no bueno.

Schimri Yoyo: Yeah, that’s right. You’re no good to your team or to yourself if you’re hurt.

Calvin Richard: Yup.

Schimri Yoyo: Now, you mentioned nutrition a little bit earlier in one of your answers. How is that incorporated in your training?

Calvin Richard: I like to go more on a habit-based. I’m not big on counting calories and things of that sort. I just think that’s more difficult to measure food. When people travel, you just are not going to be able to do that. Knowing and understanding portion control, knowing and understanding drinking a full glass of water before you go—

Plan, even mentally the right words that you use. Like a lot of times, they say, “Oh, a cheat meal.” There’s no positive way we can put a spin on the word “cheat.” It doesn’t work in relationships. It doesn’t work taking a test. So that’s [not going to work]. Don’t cheat on your meal. I call it, whether it’s a “treat meal” or an “indulgent meal.”

So say, for instance, my wife and I, we go on this weekend, get a little mini getaway. I’m probably not going to eat perfectly. So what I do is eat clean in preparation to get to that and I’m going to probably not have [dessert]. If I want to have dessert, I’m probably not going to have carbs in my meal. So it’s about planning ahead of time. And just like we were talking about meal planning and meal prepping, sometimes you can’t physically do it but you can mentally do it.

Say, on Tuesday, I’m going to get up in the morning, I have this for breakfast, and then I’m going to have this for lunch. A lot of it is just living a lifestyle of healthy eating, understanding veggies and lean meats and portion control more so than about the calorie counting and getting into that. I’ve seen a lot of success that way. I try to keep it as simple as possible.

Schimri Yoyo: Oh, that’s good. That’s good. It’s more about—you focus more on the preparation than the actual piece and parcel of it.

Calvin Richard: Yes.

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Schimri Yoyo: Okay. How do you help your clients balance that? Going hard and pushing their physical limits but also, like you said, the injury prevention and making sure they don’t burn out.

Calvin Richard: I think more than anything I talk about consistency. Being good at showing up. With my clients, there are only three reasons why they shouldn’t show up. If you’re running a fever, you are probably contagious, just keep that to yourself. If you have something intestinal that’s going on involving the attic or the basement where you probably need to be around the bathroom facilities, don’t come here because I don’t recommend you wearing a diaper to come do deadlifts with us.

And number three is if you’re decapitated. Outside of those three, show up. I don’t care if you slept for nine minutes, 13 minutes, you don’t feel this and you got this going on. I’m going to be tight. Shut up and just show up. Because every single time, those are simply the days where you need to show up, whether it’s for the workout, whether it’s for the high five, whether it’s for the Scripture or quote that we give that day, you might be there just for that.

That’s going to encourage you. So, consistency is the biggest thing that we talk about. And once again, “Go Hard” is not about [push yourself until] you’re throwing up in this—that’s not what we’re about. But it’s about you being a better version of who you were yesterday. Striving for your better version of you.

That’s kind of a garbage can term these days. But really it truly is that: it’s no comparison to the person next to you. It’s about being better at what you’re doing. Are you making improvements? Are you making necessary improvements every day and your mindset first and foremost, and let everything else be the outcome.

Schimri Yoyo: As they’re going hard also there is also the idea of recovery as well, to be able to maintain that [Go Hard mentality].

So how do you help your athletes, your clients, to be proactive in their own recovery?

Calvin Richard: Yes. We’ve got tons of foam rollers and we encourage them to do a lot of foam rolling and stuff in here. Of course, we will actually have to do some clinics cause people don’t go home and do it themselves a lot of times. I encourage regular chiropractic work, massages, a foam roller and also doing some stuff in the pool, not just swimming but really just moving your body in the pool.


So recovery methods of things that are occurring, like taking cold showers. A lot of folks don’t want to do that portion of it, but it’s definitely therapeutic for the body. There are times where people just really wanted a high. “I got 21 days to get to such and such and I want to do two-a-days.”

And if you have not been doing training much at all recently, this won’t make so much sense for you. We still have the pace it even though you have these big goals because you’re going to run into overuse injuries and things of that sort.

We do a really good job of modifying when folks have things or tweaking things that aren’t quite right. We do a really good job of modifying the exercises so that they can still show up, do what you need to do. I mean, I had people in with walking boots and wrist straps, we work around it. You can’t hold the dumbbells, we’ll put a slap medicine ball in hand and we’re gonna work through it.

So, it’s just knowing how to modify that, that was kind of one thing, even with athletic training, that I did a really good job. My athletes who are injured on the side, they’ll come and work harder than people that are out there because the way we’re going to rehab it and get you back in.

Schimri Yoyo: Well, that’s good. Now, you seem to be blessed with the gift of motivation and passion and inspiration. So what are some ways that you can transmit that to your clients? How do you motivate them on a regular basis?

Calvin Richard: Part of it is, I think, really working on creating leaders to become leaders, to teach other leaders. So I want to bring new leadership roles out of that, not my clients. I tell them, I unapologetically want you to reach your family and neighbors and clients that I’m never going to see. And I don’t want you to just to go through the motions of this. I want you to ask questions and be educated and understand what you’re doing.

You’re kind of my Fitvangelist. I need you to be able to go and share the message of wellness and health and strength and tell that to other folks. So yeah, part of it is really, being a leader myself and just really tried to get other leaders to do the same. That’s the message, to pass the torch on.

Schimri Yoyo: Well, that’s good. A Fitvangelist, I like that. I’m going to make a t-shirt. I’ll split you in on it.

Calvin Richard: I have one coming, so it’s coming.

Schimri Yoyo: That’s awesome. How do you measure progress and success for both yourself and for your clients? With all that motivation and inspiration.

Calvin Richard: Obviously, in business, the dollars make a difference. As far as the business grows and numbers, the amount of clients and stuff like that is one thing. I’m more about the lead measures than the lag measures. People get so caught up in “The scale’ s not moving, the scale’s not moving.”

I don’t care about the scales. Are you’re doing the right thing? The scales are lagging, especially as a female you can fluctuate your weight eight, nine pounds in one day. Just during certain times of the month. Forget the scale, do the actions.

You always say that good pair of jeans is going to tell you what your body’s doing. The times where I’ll kind of let myself go and I put on a shirt like, “I can’t wear that shirt.” Your clothes are not going to lie to you. The cleaners, they are not shrinking your stuff. You getting fluffy, you been slipping. The way your energy is, how you sleep, how your clothes fit are a [better] measure than what the scale says.

Also, like I said, it’s if you keep doing the right actions, keep doing the right actions, the right disciplines, the right commitments that you said you were going to do and let the weight loss, muscle gain, the fat loss—all that stuff be secondary, that’d be the result of you doing the work.

So I put the emphasis on that. Keep doing the work. Just keep, don’t worry about the results right now, and that will come if you keep doing the right thing. Just like if I keep flossing, there is a better chance of me keeping my teeth.

Schimri Yoyo: Researching you and getting prep work prepared for this interview, I went on your website and one of the foundational words that seem to keep coming up was the word and idea of camaraderie and that is very important in what you guys do at Verus Strength and Fitness.

What are some ways that you help promote that camaraderie and build that community within your facility?

Calvin Richard: Yeah. One of the things we did is to start off as a bootcamp in sports performance training. We’ve kind of morphed, I don’t work as much with specific athletes. So we changed and kind of rebranded ourselves as team personal training. So part of it is that team, we know and understand that we work better in teams, that [with] the accountability of a team, we can depend upon each other. There’s a synergy that happens within a team.

So even in my workouts after we—at the end and we come together, we pray, come in together, everybody’s in, “One, two, three, Go Hard!” and then it’s high five. Everybody. That feeling of community, whether it’s inside our private Facebook group, whether it’s in the extra studio. Then, when we’d go out and do Tough Mudders and we do events, we do five k’s, we do Rugged Maniac X together.

We have events where we go bowling and we’d go have big cookouts. We do life together. And some of these folks, I see them more than my family. A lot of my family members are still in Louisiana, so we do life together. It’s the same thing for some of them. We’re close.

So, that’s part of it. Where you can call me and I’m there when you have some life stuff going on. Somebody said, “I’m fighting cancer. I’m at the hospital.” Somebody had a newborn and things like that. So, it’s bigger than just about exercise, it’s about relationships and doing life with other individuals that’s a part of our team.

Eliminating Ego in Entrepreneurship

Schimri Yoyo: Now, speaking of the business side of things, what for you has been the most challenging thing transitioning from being a trainer or being an employee perhaps in a past life and now being an entrepreneur and running your own business?

Calvin Richard: Ego. Ego is one of the biggest things. Ego and not having systems. When I first started out, I was a good fitness coach. I didn’t know how to run a business at all. And so one of the things was: I put everything on myself and I didn’t have any systems and structures in it. I finally had to start investing in business structure and different programs to really get my stuff organized.

But for seven years of me running Verus, it was just me. Part of that was like, “Whoa. I’m in a rural area and there’s nobody—I’ve got a Master’s degree in Sports Medicine and I’m a CSCS, an ATC—there’s no one in this area that knows what I know.” So I got stuck doing everything. Doing absolutely everything. Until I finally realized, “Okay, make a system, make a program that I can teach folks to follow.”

I’ve been blessed that all of my coaches that I’ve had over the last four years or so, they’ve all come from being clients. I saw leadership on them—it wasn’t that they were just awesome, amazing—I saw leadership on them and coached them on the system, so now, I’m not at the trenches as much. I coach some, but I don’t coach as much as I used to.

So now I can become CEO, the business builder, the marketer, the salesperson, and continue to build up from the outside of the business instead of being in the trenches all the time. A lot of that was me getting over my ego and saying, “Somebody else can do this. Let me just get organized enough so that I could actually teach the system and the program where others can step in and do it.”

So that was a hard transition. First, after seven years, folks that work with me and all of a sudden, I’m bringing some other coach around. “They’re not you and they’re not—” I’d just have to be, And who’s coaching tomorrow? “A highly-qualified Verus coach.” But who is it? “A highly-qualified Verus coach will be coaching tomorrow.”

So I had to basically ramp them and build them up and now it’s not even a question. I’ve got three coaches on staff. One of them is my admin. Actually her official title is the Overlord of Operations. I like to do stuff weird and different. She’s that and she’s my Lead Coach as well. So now, that’s how we do things.

Schimri Yoyo: Well, that’s great because you kind of actually answered my other question. I was going to ask about how you would divide your time between working in your business and working on your businesses.

Calvin Richard: Yeah. Pretty much, I coach a morning shift. We have four sessions in the morning and three in the afternoon. I work a whole day Monday, and typically maybe one other shift throughout the end of the week. I’ve got the time now to develop and grow. So yes, I’m definitely not in the trenches nearly as much as I used to be.

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Schimri Yoyo: I don’t want to give you an ego trip or try to feed that ego because you did talk about it as being on one of the challenges. I do want to give you an opportunity to brag a little bit more about your staff at Verus. What makes you guys unique and why do your clients keep coming back? Why do you guys keep growing?

Calvin Richard: Well, we are pretty diverse. It’s me, a white guy, Jared, who was kind of, he’s kind of the same guy. He’s more laid back and, ‘Alright guys, we’ve got to kind of do that.’ I got two Mexican ladies. And so we are diverse. One who, she’s amazing and English is her second language. So she struggles in her head about, “Am I saying this right? I know those words in Spanish, the right way but…” So, it’s coaching her to get past that.

But she’s amazing. Superfit, crazy transitions. And the thing is, they all know that we’ve come from where they are. My own struggles from being the little guy, one of my coaches, Michelle, she lost 160 pounds at Verus. [No one] can question that they didn’t put the work in. They DID put the work in.

And so I think that part of that, all the different personalities, but knowing that we generally love them, love on them and want them to do really well. I say once you make a community where people feel like they belong and then empower them to be leaders inside of it. I’ve got clients—It will be nine, ten, actually 14 years that came over from the other place I was working while I was building this up.

So we’ve got people that been with us for a long time. So there’s a bit of traction. We are in a small community where there are not a whole lot of black folks. So I stick out like a sore thumb pretty easily with this big orange, black guy with a kind of Mohawk with a bunch of orange stuff on his vehicle. We stand out pretty good. So our reputation is out there. We’re the first people to kind of do a bootcamp type style. So there’s—we’ve been around and love to be stable in this community.

Schimri Yoyo: Okay. Now how do you use social media and technology to promote your business and promote your services?

Calvin Richard: Yeah, mostly Facebook, a little bit of Instagram, not that a whole lot there. I’m pretty decent in front of a video. It’s just I’m better at that than in writing. My wife is the author, she’s also good at everything. That’s a different subject.

But to me a lot of Facebook lives, I had a group, kind of a free group that I was doing for a while, just not doing that right now, but I think that’s more than anything, it’s just really getting the [content] out. Now, my clients, they do a lot of check-ins and post things of that sort.

Then we’ll do it for charity and whatnot as well. So we have, we give towards the charity for them actually using certain hashtags. But yeah, we kind of do more checking-in as well. So, obviously, if you can get that third-party validation from another person, it makes a big difference.

Schimri Yoyo: Now, thanks again, Coach, for your time. A few more questions before we finish up. What if any strategic partnerships have you been able to develop within your community there?

Calvin Richard: Oh yeah. I’ve got a few chiropractors that I work with specifically, they may come in and do some things. One of my chiropractors, he comes in, he does a foam roller session. They will put my fliers out, put my information out to as well.

Some cross-promotions with the—I’ve got a tanning salon that they’ll put some of my stuff up in their emails and things of that sort or put some fliers up. But specifically, they have a few corporate wellness clients that aren’t as big as it used to be. That’s one of the things that we kind of have set up. Nothing like major alliances outside of that.

Schimri Yoyo: Okay, now what’s up next for you and your business. I know that you’ve developed those systems to give yourself a little time to increase some of your marketing.

Calvin Richard: I couldn’t make out the first part, what did you say?

Schimri Yoyo: I’m sorry. What’s next? What’s next for you and your business? I mean now that you’ve freed up some of your time with the systems and your team in place, you’re able to do a little bit more on the business development side. So what do you foresee for yourself or what are you passionate about pursuing?

Calvin Richard: The, the remote culture aspect of it. I’ve been having people since I’ve lived in major cities and other places—I’ve lived in, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Atlanta—I’ve had people that are in a lot of different areas like, “Oh man, wish you were near me.”

I wish it—I’ve done some stuff online, but really the next part of it is it’s really growing in that aspect of being able to remote the culture and get those there. So that’s kind of one of the biggest pushes.

Yesterday, I found a bunch of demo exercises for that program. So that’s coming up as far as what I call “Ultra-Busy 24.” It is one of the programs. 24-minute workouts, really high intensity and you get after it. But it’s just getting that out there. There’s a part of me that I want to be able to do some public speaking, I want to be able to do some high-level coaching with men specifically.

Schimri Yoyo: Well, that’s good. Now, the last question for you. Do you have any resources, books, podcasts, or anything like that that you would recommend to our audience or where they can go?

Calvin Richard: Anything by Brendon Burchard. I love his stuff, High Performance Habits, The Millionaire Messenger—all of those things like that. I like Darren Hardy’s stuff that he does, Darren Daily, I mean you get free mentorship, it gives a video that’s like every Friday that’s also pretty cool. I just keep the movement going in there. Some of my biggest influences are folks that are no longer here, we talk about legacy. Legacy is big to me.

It’s not just about after we die, but every time we impact individuals, did they have activity in relationships. So Myles Monroe, Dr. Myles Monroe, and Jim Rohn are two from the grave that just taught me an endless amount of information along the way, too. I’ll say those are some—Pat Rigsby is just a staple in the industry. So I’ve leaned off a lot of his stuff too as well. But yeah, those are the big influences on me.

Schimri Yoyo: Oh, well that’s great. Oh, thank you again for your time, Coach Calvin. This has been great to get to know you a little bit. We wish you much continued success and definitely keep us posted on how the Ten Times Ten Tough Mudder goes.

Calvin Richard: Certainly.

Schimri Yoyo: I definitely want to hear more about that.

Calvin Richard: You might have to come join us.

Schimri Yoyo: Yeah, maybe. Who knows?

Calvin Richard: March 21st, in College Station. I’m going to put that out there for you.

Schimri Yoyo: Alright, awesome. Well, you have a good one, my friend.

Calvin Richard: You got it, buddy.

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